Monday, February 27, 2012

If you're scared, say you're scared!

If you're scared say, you're scared! I'm scared! But, I'm going to do it anyway!  Sometimes, one can have a fear of following their dreams. The fear of failing. I'm going forward, boldly, with my fear.  I discovered that you can use that fear to your advantage and not let it take control of you. When I played college basketball I would get such "butterflies" right before the game. Call it nervous energy, or the fear of messing up resulting in Coach benching me. But, I used those "butterflies" to my advantage and would play a great game, win or lose. And, If I didn't have "butterflies" I would try to make myself get them because I knew I played well off that fear.

Becoming a filmmaker is a different kind of fear! A little bit of the unknown, although I have a several shorts that I've produced and directed under my belt.  It wasn't my intention to become a filmmaker. I came out to California to act. Just act. But, the pickings were slim to say the least and I had to become a creator. A creator of my own destiny. I wish I had that mind set when I first journeyed out here. I have it now.  That's what matters.

I'm gearing up for my first full length feature. Rashetta's Wedding! RW will be shot under my production companies Stone Archer Productions and CrownSoul Entertainment.  Setting up a feature film is equivalent to running a company. There is a lot of work involved and it can be overwhelming. But, staying focused and organized are two main keys to success.

By now most of you have heard about Rashetta's Wedding. We've been talking about it since last year and now we are finally ready to launch our Crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter beginning March 1st 2012.

Am I scared? Yes, I'm scared. Will I go forward anyway? Yes, I have no choice, that's who I am.


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